After words with Diane and Audra, Kyle has a proposition for Victor

The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, June 24, 2024
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Monday, June 24, 2024

In Paris, Traci and Alan entered a bar, and both admitted feeling uneasy about being there. Alan wondered if his brother, Martin, had been a regular in the bar and if someone might mistake him for Martin. Traci understood that Alan had a lot of questions, especially since Martin was dead. "Where did he live when he wasn't sleeping in my house? Who did he associate with? Did they know what he was capable of?" Alan asked aloud. He wondered if there were more people out there that he needed to apologize to.

Traci asked if Alan considered that the answers to those questions might cause him even more pain. She encouraged him to stop torturing himself. Still, Alan couldn't help but wonder what Martin's endgame had been. He hated not knowing. Traci offered her ear to Alan, a gesture that Alan found "deeply kind." Alan tried to placate Traci by telling her what he thought she needed to hear in order to drop the conversation. She chuckled and remarked that he didn't know her very well.

"You can't go back and change history. All you can do is change how you feel about it now," Traci stated. Alan admitted that Traci was right and mused that she had to have a psychology degree. Traci replied with a laugh that she'd created a few characters who were psychologists -- which was akin to having a degree. Alan marveled about Traci being "a beautiful woman" with amazing stories to tell. He told her that he wanted to hear more about her and growing up in the "glamorous world of the Abbott dynasty."

Traci reminisced about singing with Danny Romalotti. She claimed to have been sheltered by her "overprotective big brother and sister." She shared that when her mother had walked out on them, her father had been their rock. "It was his boundless love for the three of us that really made him a giant," Traci said. Traci explained that after John had died, she, Jack, and Ashley had become "the three Musketeers."

Traci worried that she had let her sister down -- that perhaps Ashley had been haunted by something her entire life, something that was now also haunting Traci. Alan acknowledged that most dissociative identity disorder cases did result from some sort of "ongoing childhood trauma," but it was possible that Ashley's did not. Alan was certain that they would both get through their difficult times.

Later, Alan accompanied Traci back to her room. She told him a story of how she and friends had once ordered 50 kilos of mussels, unaware of how many mussels were actually in a kilogram. She disclosed that they had eaten moules frites for a week. It had been 20 years earlier, and Traci mused that she hadn't thought about mussels since. Alan thanked Traci for deciding to stay in Paris, and he departed.

At the ranch, Victor told Nick that he and Nikki were very proud of the man he'd become. Nikki echoed the sentiment. Victor asked if Nick had spoken to Victoria about rejoining him at Newman Enterprises. Nick replied that he didn't think it was necessary, since Victoria had agreed to go to Newman Media with Nikki. Victor made it clear that that was not what he wanted. "So, you're saying that what I want is not important?" Nikki asked.

Victor insisted that he cared about Nikki. She wondered how Victor could say that when he seemed insistent upon replacing her at Newman Media with Adam, something she referred to as "a big red flag." Nikki vented that Newman Media was her "domain" and said it made no sense that she had no say in who was running the company. Nick sided with his mother. When Victor started to scold Nick, Nikki cut him off and said that, unlike Victor, Nick valued her opinion.

Victor argued that choosing sides was not what was in the best interest of Newman Enterprises. Nikki countered that replacing her with Adam wasn't such a good move, either. Nick suggested that if Nikki felt up to returning to work, she should return to work. Victor snarled that that wasn't what he wanted. "End of discussion," he growled just before walking out of the room.

At the tack house, Victoria and the kids worked on a list of all the things that they wanted to do over the course of the summer. Johnny expressed his desire to go horseback riding, and he hoped that Rocket remembered him. "Well, all you have to do is give him an apple, and he'll remember exactly who you are," Victoria said with a smile.

Victoria shared that Claire had created a list of movies she thought that they'd all like. Katie "just remembered" that she had some friends she needed to see and said that movie night would have to be held without her. Victoria asked Katie to give her "new sister" a chance. "What's the point?" Katie snapped before suggesting that Claire live with the Abbotts, since she was their nanny.

Victoria made it clear that they would not be throwing Claire out of her home. Katie opened up about the pain she felt over losing their other house. Johnny asked Katie to cut Claire some slack. Victor dropped by to see his grandchildren and ask how they liked being back at the ranch. Katie again shared her sadness over her home burning down. Victor pointed out that the ranch had once burned down, but it had been rebuilt to begin a new life.

Victor had the kids sit down and talk to him about their new sister. Victor shared that Claire was an incredible young woman who had always wanted a family -- and a sister -- of her own. Katie's iciness thawed slightly as Victor explained that Claire had grown up with no one to love her.

When the kids went out to swim, Victoria thanked her father for what he'd said to Katie. Victoria then wanted to know why Victor seemed opposed to having Nikki return to work at Newman Media. "Your mother needs time to recover," Victor responded. He expressed concern that the rigors of work could make Nikki "fall off the damn wagon again." Victoria accepted that, but she wondered why her father wanted Adam to take Nikki's place.

Victor turned the question around and asked his daughter if she was willing to return to Newman Enterprises. She said that she'd give it "some serious thought."

Nikki and Nick arrived at Society, where Nikki continued to express her frustration with Victor. Nick spoke in defense of Adam. He explained that even with everything that had been going on with Connor, Adam had never once "shirked" his responsibilities or duties at Newman. Nikki wondered if Victor wanted Adam to provide Adam with some sort of distraction. Nick replied that Victor had always wanted his two sons to work together.

Nick called Victor "hyper-protective" and warned Nikki that there was nothing that could change Victor's mind if he truly believed that Nikki needed more time to recover. "I am the CEO of Newman Media, and I want to get back into my office," Nikki replied. Nick suggested that Nikki turn her attention to her charity work until the time came to remove Adam from Newman Media. Nikki agreed to go along with Victor's plan, at least until they could see "which piece topples next."

Audra tracked down Kyle at the Athletic Club bar and mentioned that Kyle had left the meeting at the ranch without giving an answer. "You mean working together at Glissade even after the scam we tried to pull on each other over the exact same thing?" Kyle responded. Kyle noted that working together required trust. Audra countered that they could "start with mutual tolerance and work from there." Kyle replied bluntly, "Not with you. No way in hell."

Audra called Kyle a "hard sell," but Kyle rejected the idea that there was any negotiation taking place. Audra questioned if Kyle was turning down the offer out of spite or because of his ego. Kyle accused Audra of only being focused on money and a "power grab." Audra countered that Kyle's statement was something only someone born into money would say.

Audra apologized for their past interactions and urged him to think of what it would be like to have their own company and to run it as they deemed fit. Kyle noted that Victor would still be calling the shots, which didn't quite live up to the definition of "complete control." Audra asked what she needed to do to change Kyle's mind. Before he could answer, Diane breezed toward the bar and remarked that it was "interesting" to see Audra and Kyle with their heads together.

Audra tried to explain that she has stumbled upon Kyle and wanted to talk to him about some changes in her life. Audra eventually excused herself but asked Kyle to keep an open mind about what they had discussed. When Audra left, Diane pressed for details about what Audra had wanted him to keep an open mind about.

Diane made it clear that she did not trust Audra. Kyle informed his mother that she could not dictate who he spent his time with. "You're not even trying to hide how you feel about me anymore," Diane said as she grimaced. Kyle said that he loved his mother but explained that the days of her running his life were over.

Diane suggested that once Jack returned from Paris, it would be time to get some things straightened out. That, Diane added, would come with an ultimatum. "Get in line, or you'll be fired," she said coldly. Kyle doubted that Jack would agree to that ultimatum. Diane leveled charges of insubordination against Kyle and blasted him for putting a huge business deal in jeopardy. Diane rose to her feet and grabbed her purse before telling Kyle that she had grown weary of giving him chances. As she stormed away, Victor entered through the revolving door and took it all in.

Victor assumed that Diane's reaction were a result of Kyle telling her that he wanted "greener pastures." Kyle said that Diane did not know about Victor's offer. However, Kyle agreed that it might be time for him to make a change. While Victor celebrated Kyle joining Glissade with a toast, Kyle quickly noted that he had made no such decision. Kyle called Audra's bouncing back and forth from Tucker problematic. "Audra Charles is a professional backstabber," Kyle added. Victor seemed surprised. Kyle told Victor that he would agree to join Glissade -- but only as a sole CEO. "What do you need Audra for when you have me?" Kyle asked.

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Lily has a plan to stop the infighting at Chancellor-Winters

• Mamie wants to hear Lily's plan

• Kyle tells Victor that he is thinking about making a change



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